Reorder Pages

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Remove and duplicate pages in Music Stand to prevent multiple page turns or avoid going backward when there are repeats in the music. Reordered pages are saved for that PDF, so all users viewing that PDF will see the saved page order.

Tap the name of the song then select Reorder Pages from the options.


The top section is the selected page order. Drag pages around to reorder them or tap the x to remove them entirely.

reorder_pageview v4.jpeg

The bottom section shows all available pages within the PDF. To add pages to your order, drag them from the bottom section to the top.

Once you've got your page order the way you want, tap Save in the top right to return to the song.

Page order is saved for anyone in the organization who is viewing that same PDF from within Music Stand. The PDF file itself isn't changed, but anyone who views that particular PDF file in Music Stand will use the same custom page order.

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